Fictitious Name Renewal Instructions
Note: Due to law change effective July 1, 2017, a fictitious name registration may not be renewed if the registered name contains a business entity suffix or indicator (i.e. Corporation, Incorporated, Limited Liability Company, Limited Partnership, Professional Association, Corp., L.L.C., L.P., P.A., etc.) unless at least one registrant is a business entity of the same type duly incorporated, organized, formed, or otherwise authorized to transact business in this state.
If registered fictitious name contains a business entity suffix or indicator, unless a business entity of the same type duly incorporated, organized, formed or otherwise authorized to transact business in this state is added as an owner, a cancellation and reregistration will need to be filed. The fee to file this document is $50.00.
Required Filing Fee: $50
Registration Number
The 12-digit identification number the Division of Corporations assigned to the registered name.
The 9-digit number the Internal Revenue Service assigned to the business for federal tax identification purposes.
- Enter your FEIN in the space provided (optional). Do not enter a Social Security Number.
- Contact the IRS at 1.800.829.4933 for additional information.
Certificate of Status (Optional)
- You may request one certificate of status when you renew online.
- This item is not required.
- A certificate of status certifies the fictitious name registration is active, provides the dates the name was registered and renewed, and includes the registration’s new expiration date.
- Check the box to request a certificate of status.
- Delivery: Emailed to the email address you provide.
- Fee: $10.00
Certified Copy (Optional)
- You may request one certified copy of the renewal application when you renew online.
- This item is not required.
- A certified copy will certify the document is a true and correct copy of the application and include the date it was filed.
- The certified copy will be sent as an attachment in an email.
- Check the box to request a certified copy.
- Delivery: Emailed to you as an attachment at the email address you provide.
- Fee: $30.00
Email Address
- A valid email address is required.
- Your filing confirmation, certification (if requested), and future email communications will be sent to this address.
Mailing Address
- A mailing address is required.
- Include the street address, city, state, zip code, and county of the principal place of business.
List the owners and verify their information.
- An owner can be an individual or a business entity.
- List each individual and business entity separately.
- You can only list up to 5 owners on the renewal application.
- Call 850.245.6058 for special instructions if you have more than 5 owners.
If an owner is an individual:
- List each name as Last Name, First Name, Middle Name.
- Enter or verify the mailing address for each individual listed.
If an owner is a business entity (e.g., corporation, limited partnership, limited liability company):
- List each business entity’s name as it is filed with the Division of Corporations.
- Enter or verify the mailing address for each entity listed.
- Enter or verify the document number assigned by the Division of Corporations for each entity listed.
- Enter or verify the FEIN for each business entity.
- Listed Above: the FEIN was entered previously.
- Applied For: no number is present, but you did apply for a FEIN.
- Not Applicable: the IRS has determined a FEIN is not required.
Electronic Signature
- One owner must sign the renewal.
- If the owner is a business entity,an authorized individual can sign on behalf of the business.
- Example: John Doe, President
Manage/Change with E-Filing
- File Annual Report
- File Reinstatement
- Fictitious Name Renewal
- Fictitious Name Renewal Instructions
- Search Fictitious Name Records