Calvert county reopening plan

School Reopening: The Current Plans, County By County

As the 2020-21 school year continues, local Maryland school systems have been actively revising reopening plans due to changes in the COVID-19 pandemic. Conduit Street has the latest.

The following information covers each jurisdiction and will be updated as local school boards release their plans to reopen schools.


Allegany County Public Schools Board of Education voted on January 25 for the following schedule for students return to hybrid/in-person learning:

There will be an option to “opt out” of the in-person/hybrid learning model and remain in a virtual learning environment.

Anne Arundel

Anne Arundel County Public Schools voted to begin a hybrid learning program as many students as possible no later than March 1. The school system had been focusing on implementing hybrid learning in elementary schools at the start of the second semester, which begins February 2. In its votes, the Board delayed the implementation by a month and urged Superintendent George Arlotto to bring back smaller groups of students – those with special needs, English Language Learners, and students at the county’s Centers of Applied Technology – as soon as possible.

Baltimore City

Baltimore City Public Schools voted on the following schedule for students return to hybrid/in-person learning:

There will be an option to “opt out” of the in-person/hybrid learning model and remain in a virtual learning environment.

Baltimore County

Baltimore County Public Schools has not scheduled a return to school buildings, but a recovery plan from January 7 stated that a hybrid model could be introduced in February, if metrics allow. Full-time virtual learning will remain an option.


Calvert County Public Schools has announced that schools will reopen for students in special populations and those in pre-K through Grade 2 on February 8.