Managing Urban America guides students through the challenges, politics, and practice of urban management—including managing conflict through politics, adapting to demographic and social changes, balancing budgets, and delivering a myriad of goods and services to citizens in an efficient, equitable, and responsive manner. The Eighth Edition has been thoroughly updated to include a discussion of the difficulties cities confront as they deal with the lingering economic challenges of the 2008 recession, the concept of e-government and how it affects the theory and practice of management, and the implications of environmental issues for urban government management.
ISBN: 9781506310503
Suggested Retail Price: $56.00
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ISBN: 9781506310503
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ISBN: 9781506310503
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ISBN: 9781506310503
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ISBN: 9781506310497
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Tables, Figures, and Boxes
About the Authors
Part One: The Environment of Urban Management
Introduction: American Cities Continue to Change and Evolve
How and Why American Cities Have Changed
How Cities Have Improved Their Management Capacity
The New Public Management Model: An Academic Response to REGO
Systems Analysis and Local Policymaking
Better Management Is Not Enough
The Plan of the Book
Suggested for Further Reading