19 Great Web Application Examples

Do you want to build a web application that provides highly interactive, dynamic, and user-friendly user experiences? Web app development is booming, with the global mobile app development market worth $228.9 billion in 2023 (Grand View Research)

Whether you are creating or redesigning dynamic or static web apps, the whole process doesn’t have to cost a fortune or be time-consuming. You can use DIY platforms like Squarespace and Wix to design a dynamic and user-friendly web application.

This article explores the 19 great web application examples that help businesses and users, which you can use as inspiration to create your own web app.

Let’s get started.

1. OnHand

1. OnHand - Great Web Application Examples

OnHand is a one-stop shop for corporate social responsibility and green initiatives, revolutionizing how businesses attract and retain customers.

One of the best web applications, the OnHand web app is aesthetically pleasing, featuring eye-catching graphics and bright color schemes.

The site's primary color scheme is Sherwood Green and Candlelight, which are prominently displayed in the logo and attract mobile users on mobile devices.

I love how the home page's “Chat” section uses black and candlelight colors, serving as the site's online communication channel.

2. All The Food

2. All The Food - Great Web Application Examples

All The Food is one of the popular web apps and food blogs with an easy-to-use and straightforward website design. One of the top examples of web applications, the All The Food web app, features a user-friendly interface that prioritizes user experience.

I love the display of a plethora of in-depth restaurant ratings, travel guides, news, and reviews on the site's homepage, helping viewers make informed dining decisions.

The web app uses light sea green as its primary color and the background of various sections and CTA buttons.

3. KeyNest

3. KeyNest - Great Web Application Examples

KeyNest offers convenient and secure key exchange services to Airbnb hosts, serviced apartment owners, and real estate brokers.

One of the popular web apps, the company's objective is clear, as shown by two sets of keys joined by a long arrow line on the KeyNest web app.

The logo's green-blue color scheme is visible in a conversation function pinned to the homepage, one of its many user-friendly features.

I love how the entire site sticks to a centralized layout, ensuring users' focus via desktop computers or apps remains on its personalized content.

4. Yummly

4. Yummly - Great Web Application Examples

Yummly's mission is to be the most innovative and helpful food platform, improving life in the kitchen for home cooks. One of the standout dynamic web pages, the Yummly web app is unique, with a single-page homepage design that requires no scrolling.

The site's header menu is pinned to the left-hand side of the homepage, displaying header texts and social media icons. A vast search bar stands out at the top of the homepage, helping users sort through over two million recipe options.

5. Notion

5. Notion - Great Web Application Examples

Notion is an all-in-one platform helping users write, plan, and share materials at a better and faster output with AI. One of the best-animated web apps, the Notion website is unique, sticking to a predominantly black-and-white color scheme for its web design.

The homepage's centralized layout engages users as they scroll, making it easy for the web app to be viewed on web-based apps. Animated icons and logos of top brands stand out on the site's homepage, adding an artistic touch to the site's design in their colors.

6. Asana

6. Asanaa - Great Web Application Examples

Asana powers businesses by organizing work in one connected space, providing a more innovative way to work and achieve their goals. One of the best web apps, the Asana web app, is professional-looking, with a convincing web design.

Screenshot images of its platform scattered on the site's homepage give visitors a visual perspective of what the company offers. The company's logo is pinned to the right-hand side of the homepage, serving as the site's online communication channel.

7. Spotify

7. Spotify - Great Web Application Examples

Spotify is a listening platform that makes it easy to find the perfect music or podcast on your desktop computer or mobile device for every moment. One of the popular web apps, the Spotify web app, is minimalistic and has a plain web design.

The site uses a predominantly black-and-white color scheme, displaying minimal content throughout the homepage. An announcement feature prompting visitors to sign up for free is pinned to the bottom of the homepage in an eye-catching color gradient.

8. Flipboard

8. Flipboard - Great Web Application Examples

Flipboard is a platform where publishers, brands, and creators discover and share stories to connect more meaningfully. One of the best web app examples, the Flipboard web app, is well-designed with a user interface that prioritizes user experience.

The entire web page displays stories in a consistent three-column layout, with like, comment, flip, and share icons attached to each story. Users can restrict the display to specific categories by clicking on the header texts beneath the site's hero section or via the search icon.

9. OnTheMarket

9. OnTheMarket - Great Web Application Examples

OnTheMarket is a professional property web app offering the simplest way to search for properties to buy or rent. This top web app example is aesthetically pleasing, displaying eye-catching design elements.

A search feature takes center stage on the site’s hero section, overshadowing the hero image in the background helping users find home values instantly.

I love the display of bold typography on the home page, making it easy for screen readers and visitors to glance through the site's content.

10. Loom

10. Loom - Great Web Application Examples

Loom wants to make business communication more efficient for everyone, wherever they are, by enabling video messaging. One of the standout web applications, the Loom web app uses the Meteorite color from the logo as its primary color.

High-quality videos and adaptable images are a constant aspect of Loom's website design, making every visit to the site worthwhile. Several CTA buttons are well-arranged on the site's homepage in the logo’s Meteorite color, enabling users to try Loom for free.

11. Hootsuite

11. Hootsuite - Great Web Application Examples

The founder of Hootsuite needed a digital marketing agency to handle all of its social media accounts, which gave rise to the web application Hootsuite.

One of the best web application examples, the Hootsuite web app, has an eye-catching design with vibrant colors for letters and icons against a white background.

The website's bold and fashionable font choices draw screen readers in as they browse the homepage's information. This social media website displays user reviews in a centralized, three-column slideshow, serving as social proof.

12. Blinkist

12. Blinkist - Great Web Application Examples

Blinkist is a team of readers, writers, developers, designers, and planners bringing ideas from the best nonfiction to some of the busiest people on the planet.

One of the popular web apps, the Blinkist web app is unique, sticking to a centralized layout for the core of its web development.

Testimonials from its members stand out on a separate home page section, in a centralized display on an extensive Bleach White background.

Several CTA buttons are easily recognizable in their Aqua Green background, consistent with the brand’s logo.

13. Cargo.one

13. Cargo.one - Great Web Application Examples

Cargo.one, through its dedicated team, focuses on digitizing the air freight industry by connecting the world's air cargo markets. This top web app example is aesthetically pleasing, with a color gradient that catches users' attention as they access its homepage.

Beneath the hero section, the entire site sticks to a centralized layout to display its content, engaging viewers in its high-quality display.

Logos of the company’s trusted partners, attached to the bottom of the hero section in clear White colors, serve as social proof.

14. GetYourGuide

14. GetYourGuide - Great Web Application Examples

GetYourGuide offers users the best way to connect with their destination, making memories through its locally vetted and expertly-curated experiences.

One of the top native mobile app examples, the GetYourGuide web app, is modern, sticking to a clean layout for its web design.

Bold typography is the standout design element of the web design, interacting with screen readers and visitors as they scroll. The arrangement of content is another area that makes this web app stand out, making it easy for users to scan through its distinct content.

15. Wired

15. Wired - Great Web Application Examples

Wired is where tomorrow is realized, providing essential information and ideas that make sense of a world in a constant transformation. This unique web app example sticks to a predominantly black-and-white color scheme for its design.

Arrangement is one of the most vital design elements of the Wired web app content, divided into different categories that aid easy access. Several colorful images attract viewers as they scroll the homepage, adding color to the site's plain design.

16. Monday.com

16. Monday.com - Great Web Application Examples

Monday.com is a project management platform that helps teams manage projects smoothly by providing end-to-end workflow options. This interactive SaaS platform displays prominent elements representing the site's primary functions.

As users navigate the website, the bold text on the white background draws in screen readers and visitors, providing a seamless user experience.

The platform's CTA buttons stand out and are simple to identify in their Blue Lotus background, easily recognizable from other web apps.

17. Welcome

17. Welcome - Great Web Application Examples

Welcome is a webinar software that improves consumer engagement with its smooth, user-friendly design.

One of the top web applications, the Welcome web app is well-spaced and designed to accommodate multiple users, with extra white space visible between homepage elements.

The web app features a comprehensive FAQ section that offers users quick answers to any queries regarding the company and its services.

Users will love the site's bold writing and gorgeous photos displayed on the homepage, blending well with the site's intuitive interface.

18. Jasper

18. Jasper - Great Web Application Examples

Jasper is an AI copilot for enterprise marketing teams seeking better results rather than just faster outputs regularly. An excellent example of a professional-looking web application, the Jasper web app is unique with its user-friendly interface that draws visitors in.

This site’s dynamic links connecting each homepage component and personalized content are at the top of its interactive elements.

The home page's vibrant colors and interactive typography stand out on the site's homepage, enhancing the site's visual appeal as visitors scroll through.

19. Kajabi

19. Kajabi - Great Web Application Examples

Kajabi is an outstanding platform for creators to monetize their work, diversify their sources of income, establish their brands, and turn viewers into paying customers.

One of the most significant web application examples, the Kajabi web app, has a visually appealing use of vibrant colors.

The ArtyClick Ocean Blue logo color, which is visible as a font and background color, is sometimes exhibited on the homepage.

I love the arrangement of testimonials from professionals in an irregular three-column, providing prospective clients with social proof.

Great Web App Examples FAQ

What are Web Apps?

A web app is an application program stored on a remote web server and delivered via a stable internet connection and a browser interface. Web apps look and behave like mobile apps when accessed on a mobile device, but both differ in function and specialization. Examples include Google Docs and Google Workspace.

What are the Three Types of Web Applications?

The three main types of web applications are static web applications, dynamic web applications, and progressive web applications. Other types of web applications include animated web applications, single-page web applications, eCommerce platforms, portal web applications, a content management system (CMS), and multiple-page apps.

What are Progressive Web Apps?

Progressive Web Apps PWAS are web applications built using web technologies, providing a unique user experience similar to a platform-specific app. One of the three main types of web applications, progressive web apps, are delivered through the web via HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and WebAssembly.

Is Google a Progressive Web App?

Google is an expansive technology company, and while Google Drive has a dedicated progressive web app, not all Google products do. Twitter Lite, Spotify, Telegram, Uber, and Pinterest are top examples of progressive web apps easily accessible via web browsers with internet access.

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